Laravel Orchid Blog

News and announcements around Laravel Orchid, including related projects.

Laravel Orchid CRUD Available Now

Last month, we announced a new package for developers looking to quickly create a user interface for eloquent models with features like create, read, update, and delete.

We now cover not only complex administration systems but also effective for home projects. So, you can create a simple application in no time with auto-generated CRUD views for each of your models for starters. But then you can go ahead and customize these views and forms as needed.

How it works?

Laravel Orchid CRUD follows general industry guidelines (Hi Nova, Backpack, SleepingOwl), where you describe the entire process in one file called a resource.

Defining Resources

Resources are stored in the app/Orchid/Resources directory of your application. You may generate a new resource using the orchid:resource Artisan command:

php artisan orchid:resource PostResource

The most basic and fundamental property of a resource is its model property. This property tells the generator which Eloquent model the resource corresponds to:

use App\Models\Post;

 * The model the resource corresponds to.
 * @var string
public static $model = Post::class;

Freshly created resources contain nothing. Don't worry, we'll add more fields to our resource soon.

Expanding of Model

Many features of the Orchid platform relies on model customization. You can add or remove traits depending on your goals. But we will assume that you have set these for your model:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Orchid\Attachment\Attachable;
use Orchid\Filters\Filterable;
use Orchid\Screen\AsSource;

class Post extends Model
    use AsSource, Filterable, Attachable;

Registering Resources

By default, all resources within the app/Orchid/Resources directory will automatically be registered. You are not required to manually register them.

Permissions Resources

Each resource contains a permission method. Which should return the string key that the user needs to access this resource. By default, all resources are available to every user.

 * Get the permission key for the resource.
 * @return string|null
public static function permission(): ?string
    return null;

For each registered resource in which the method returns a non-null value, a new permission is created.

 * Get the permission key for the resource.
 * @return string|null
public static function permission(): ?string
    return 'private-post-resource';

It is necessary to give the right to manage it to the user. To click on the profile in the left column, go to the system page, and then to the page with users, you can issue them a mandate or assign a role. After that, they will be displayed in the left menu.

Defining Fields

Each resource contains a fields method. This method returns an array of fields, which generally extend the Orchid\Screen\Field class. To add a field to a resource, we can add it to the resource's fields method. Typically, fields may be created using their static make method. This method accepts several arguments; however, you usually only need to pass the field's name.

use Orchid\Screen\Fields\Input;

 * Get the fields displayed by the resource.
 * @return array
public function fields(): array
    return [
            ->placeholder('Enter title here'),

In the package to generate CRUD, you can use the fields Orchid platform. Review all available fields on the documentation site.

Defining Сolumns

Each resource contains a сolumns method. To add a column to a resource, we can add it to the resource's column method. Typically, columns may be created using their static make method.

use Orchid\Screen\TD;

 * Get the columns displayed by the resource.
 * @return TD[]
public function columns(): array
    return [

The CRUD generation package is entirely based on the table layer. You can read more about this on the documentation page.

Defining Rules

Each resource contains a rules method. When submitting a create or update form, the data can be validated, which is described in the rules method:

 * Get the validation rules that apply to save/update.
 * @return array
public function rules(Post $model): array
    return [
        'slug' => [
            Rule::unique(Post::class, 'slug')->ignore($model),

You can learn more on the Laravel validation page.

Defining Filters

Each resource contains a filters method. Which expects you to return a list of class names that should be rendered and, if necessary, swapped out for the viewed model.

 * Get the filters available for the resource.
 * @return array
public function filters(): array
    return [];

To create a new filter, there is a command:

php artisan orchid:filter QueryFilter

This will create a class filter in the app/Http/Filters folder. To use filters in your own resource, you need:

public function filters(): array
    return [

You can learn more on the Orchid filtration page.

Eager Loading

Suppose you routinely need to access a resource's relationships within your fields. In that case, it may be a good idea to add the relationship to the with property of your resource. This property instructs to always eager to load the listed relationships when retrieving the resource.

 * Get relationships that should be eager loaded when performing an index query.
 * @return array
public function with(): array
    return ['user'];

Resource Events

Each resource has two methods that do the processing, onSave and onDelete. Each of them is launched when the event is executed, and you can change or supplement the logic:

 * Action to create and update the model
 * @param ResourceRequest $request
 * @param Model           $model
public function onSave(ResourceRequest $request, Model $model)

 * Action to delete a model
 * @param Model $model
 * @throws Exception
public function onDelete(Model $model)


Resource names may be localized by overriding the label and singularLabel methods on the resource class:

 * Get the displayable label of the resource.
 * @return string
public static function label()
    return __('Posts');

 * Get the displayable singular label of the resource.
 * @return string
public static function singularLabel()
    return __('Post');

Action buttons and notifications can also be translated, for example:

 * Get the text for the create resource button.
 * @return string|null
public static function createButtonLabel(): string
    return __('Create :resource', ['resource' => static::singularLabel()]);

 * Get the text for the create resource toast.
 * @return string
public static function createToastMessage(): string
    return __('The :resource was created!', ['resource' => static::singularLabel()]);

You can learn more on the Laravel localization page.

What if I need more?

When you need more options, it's easy to switch to using the platform. All fields, filters, and characteristics are compatible.

How can I get this?

As stated earlier, we decided to try the Sponsorware license. Only monthly subscribers to "Open Collective" will have access to the private git repository.

Once you become a sponsor, we will send an invite to the GitHub group to the email address provided within 24 hours. After 15 or more monthly sponsors, the package will be open to everyone under the MIT license!